Monday, December 7, 2009

Prayer of St. Francis - the video

Ad Dei Laudem - polyphonic choir exibition

Hi there,
Christmas is near and my choir is starting with its exibitions.
Here we are performing in Augusta (Itay) into the main church.
Great great day.
(did you know I'm a choir girl? No? It is ten years I'm singing with this choir)

Monday, November 9, 2009

a name for my newest #xna cocktail database app

Hi guys, I need your help. I'm looking for a new name for my cocktail database app.

This time it is focused on the database, there are more recipes (115 rigth now, growing) including this time the non-alcoholic ones, and there are lots of queries possible. You can search by ingredients (at least one matching and/or all matching), by genre, by tags (sweet, strong, fruity etc) and if there are more matches it indicates the matching percentage. Searches are fast and easy. All the ingredients are organized in a better way and I plan to extend the database of cocktails every couple of months.

It is clear it isn't a "Cocktail Paradise 2" it is too different and this is more database oriented than CP.

Names I'm planning to use:

  • 100+ COCKTAILS
  • A cocktails database
  • The cocktails database
  • 100+ DRINKS

I'm open to suggestion, the more original it is the better.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

me, me and...

It's me, the dog Frame and the cat Script. Isn't he wonderfull?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

my kittens

Aren't they the cutest things you ever seen? In this picture the two in the left side are 1 month old (and they are brother and sister) the kitten in the right side is two months old (his name' Lupin).

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

loads of news!

I have a couple of news.

the first: my cat Mail had 5 tiny cute kittens (still looking for names)
the second: my second Xbox lifestyle app was just approved (yes, the second) it's a shiatsu massaging tool with instructions: you can download for free a demo here

soon some other details and piece of art.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

my dog Frame is having some relax

(my dog Frame sunbathing)

She had an hard working day, running and barking for hours in my garden.