This time it is focused on the database, there are more recipes (115 rigth now, growing) including this time the non-alcoholic ones, and there are lots of queries possible. You can search by ingredients (at least one matching and/or all matching), by genre, by tags (sweet, strong, fruity etc) and if there are more matches it indicates the matching percentage. Searches are fast and easy. All the ingredients are organized in a better way and I plan to extend the database of cocktails every couple of months.
It is clear it isn't a "Cocktail Paradise 2" it is too different and this is more database oriented than CP.
Names I'm planning to use:
- A cocktails database
- The cocktails database
- 100+ DRINKS
I'm open to suggestion, the more original it is the better.
Cocktail Afficionado
ReplyDeleteMix Me a Drink
Mix Me a Cocktail
For the Love of Cocktails
or Cocktails! always works.
I quite like 100+ Cocktails, but Cocktails! good